Monday, August 01, 2022

A Gradual Return to Writing

Hello there! 

I've been such a long time away from this blog. For anyone who may still receive notifications when new posts are published, I hope this finds you well. In case you're wondering, I am slowly working to come back to this blog and begin posting occasionally. At the moment, I don't know how frequently I will post, though I would like it to be on some kind of consistent basis, perhaps monthly, for starters. I’ve made some updates to the site regarding links and a few other things, so feel free to browse around. I'll also periodically be republishing some of the old posts I have archived. 

If you are a newcomer, I’d like to welcome you, and encourage you to join in the conversation via the comment section of each post, or email me directly using the short form at the bottom of the page. 

Whether you're a newcomer, or if you had previously subscribed to this blog via a previous subscription service on the blog, please subscribe using the "Subscribe to re:Think" tab at the top of the page, as this is the only subscription service I'll have on the blog going forward. Doing so will allow you to be kept in the loop when new posts are made, as well as for future information regarding the book I'm working on. 

I'm focusing most of my available writing time towards completing a book about the Lord's Eternal Purpose. I've been working on this book off and on for the last several years. At times it has felt like a daunting task. At other times, I have felt inspired and drawn to write. I believe the Lord rekindled the desire in me to finish the book sooner rather than later, yet often times as I would sit down to work on it, I would find myself at a loss for how or where to pick it back up. A few months ago, I was asking the Lord where the issue was, and I believe He showed me the biggest thing causing the issue for me when it came to where to begin again, and adjustments have been made. All of that to say, I'm once again working on it (see the "My Guest Posts On Other Sites" section in the left sidebar for a few teasers), and I've set a personal deadline to try to have it completed by. It may seem like beginning to post here again would be adding one more thing that would keep me from working on the book, but I would borrow from one of my own posts and say again...

"As with most journeys, along the way you unlearn some of what you thought you knew, you realize you don't really know much at all, and you grow through the process. And, at some point, you find yourself. I write here, not because I have all of the answers, but because I am seeking to follow the One who has the answers, the words of Life, and sometimes I need space and/or help to work through it all. So, I invite you on this journey with us, to read, to re-think, to share thoughts or questions in the comments, to challenge, but most importantly to pursue Jesus Christ with us, that we could spur one another onward in Christ Jesus, and grow in our love for Him and those around us, to see His Life expressed on the earth, right where we are."

Thanks for joining me here. I pray Jesus Christ becomes central and supreme in your lives and you will live to see the Eternal Purpose of God.

For His increase,


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